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We were on cam and everything, and I don't know how but we ended up talking about when we used to fuck... it was a bit embarrasssing because we don't talk about that shit anymore - it's the past. It really turned me on and I figured maybe it would be an interesting read. It's not one of those erotic or dirty normal stories, it may be a bit boring or whatever but anyway.. Read on if you got the time - maybe it will make u hard. On the first day he arrived to NY, I had to go to JFK to pick him up. A sissy who probably would love to be bent over and taken from behind, pleasing me with your man-cunt. You'd like that wouldn't you, faggot? My big black cock buried in your skinny white ass?"Pumping furiously on his small cock, he moaned, "Yes, Master, my ass is yours to fuck. Oh god, oh god, oh-oh-ohhhhhhhhh." He sprayed his cum all over himself.Amused, I was just about to speak when there was a knock on the door, "Are you in there, Eric?"Eric quickly shifted from orgasm mode to crisis mode. Exhausting. But exhilarating. She came once and he fucked through it. She paused to shake and moan before returning to sucking Moe’s cunt. Her fingers returned to strumming her clit and pulling on her nipples. He just held that tight round ass. An incredible sight, made more seeing his cock sliding in and out below it. He let his senses take him. The sights and sounds and smells and feelings of flesh against flesh. Getting sensitive enough to cum. So when she tightened and undulated, vocalizing. . my... God!" went through her mind "Why didn't I start doing this a lot sooner?"Liz decided it was time, and finally slid a finger in her pussy. She felt the pleasure building up inside her, moaning louder and louder. She watched as the guy in the porn movie shot his load in and around the woman's mouth. Seeing the man reach his climax finally helped her reach hers. She pushed her middle upwards, releasing an incredible and long moan as her hand got soaked by the juices leaving her pussy. She.
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