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The mood is totally gone.Suddenly, the thought of eating your own cum is now the furthest thing from your mind and all you want to do is clean up and get back to playing video games.I’ve been there too. When I was younger I spent a lot of time trying to psych myself up to eat my own cum but I always ended up chickening out. Believe it or not, it’s actually SUPER common for the desire to wane after you’ve ejaculated.In fact, just do a quick google search over mental blocks about eating your own. My ass rests on a ledge on the shower wall, my back against the smooth edge.Your mouth leaves mine to find my neck, tongue tasting the salty water running down from my neck between my breast valley. I feel you throb with pleasure and need.My hands wrap around to your back and I feel all the tension in your shoulder muscles. I press my nails in and scratch down your sides. I can help you release that tension, darling. Please let me. We can face the tension together and alone.I place one hand on. Emily looks down at her sexy friend tied to the bed and smiles as her tingles and shivers take her to the edge. Finally her own finger stroking her clit, Anna’s tongue thrusting and darting, her other fingers tweaking her nipple hard, Emily’s body shakes in hard spasms as she has her second huge orgasm as juices flow out of her pulsing pussy. Leaving Anna tied to the bed Emily rotates her body and picks up the vibrator again. She pulls Anna’s legs wide apart. “So Anna, you want that guy John’s. Her paler blue skin shone in the bright moon light and her full lips had a pouty look to them that made men want her and women want to be her. In accordance with her bust, her backside was larger than most enabling her to have the eyes of an entire bar as she left with her commandos. Combined with her tall, long legs, the Captain made for one sexy asari but the always serious attitude combined with her discipline ensured she never mated.This team had been sent by the Shadow Broker to follow up.
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