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Excellent he said and started unzipping his jeans. When he pulled them down I saw his cock was 6-7 inches long, rock hard and again very smooth. Go for it I thought and pulled my joggers down. I wasn't wearing boxers and my very stiff cock was now on display for them. The guy looked and said nice. The three of us watched each other wanking whilst working our cocks. I thought to myself how good is this. I've got 2 guys watching me wanking while I look at there gorgeous cocks. After a couple of. .." and with that, she closed her eyes, feigning sleep.In another rail car, Vanessa sat with her legs dangling out of the sliding door, watching the scenery go by. The early part of the journey, after the wedding, had all been uphill – away from the equator. She stretched, remembering the unpleasant vibration of those annoying electric motors as they powered the long rail car up into the pastures of the farming districts. Now, traveling parallel to the equator, the car used very little energy. Shetried to cover up. Then her eyes met his. Grey eyes.They were full of knowledge and wisdom and wanting. Andloneliness. He showed no aggression towards her. Hernudeness she soon discovered was mere curiosity. Shewas near her period and her scent must have excitedhim.Over the course of the next few days she tried toescape, only to run into more of those lizard things.And the gorilla stopped them each time. She realized hewasn’t holding her captive as much as protecting her.He brought her. Her tits looked incredible, especially with those nipples pushing out so far.We had a wonderful dinner and drank wine as we talked. The longer we talked the more we drank. Eventually, the conversation slowed. I put my arm around my wife’s shoulders while we leaned back on the couch. My hand came down, naturally, right on top of her right tit. Rick’s eyes wondered over to where my hand was.“I guess we better go. I am not sure I could drive home if I drink anymore,” I said.“No problem,” Rick.
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