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To narrow the field down to twenty-five squads, there needed to be extensive qualifying events. The qualifying was much like the Olympic of old. There would be almost 400 different events, from which each candidate could pick twelve that he was to participate in. The top four finishes would be totaled, giving his/her a ranking score (For example if they finished 5th 67th 103rd, and 212th in their top four events their score was 387.).But, as the lowest score in four events, wins; an important. ’ ‘Me too.’ We did sleep that night, between explorations and orgasms. Kay never lowered or removed her panties. My briefs never came off. I was a little embarrassed that in the morning I found three hickies on Kay. She was torn between being embarrassed about them and wanting to show Aunt Buzz what we did. We showered and dressed before breakfast. Aunt Buzz said she was thankful she had earplugs. Kay and I blushed. Buzz handed Kay a small bottle. She said, ‘Take a drop and rub it on each. "Oh Colonel! You're so big!" He grimaced as I grasped the base of his turgid cock and I slowly pursed my lips about his gigantic penis. Kneeling before him, sucking and slurping on that massive member with increasing passion, I increased the tempo until my head bobbed wildly, fellating the hell out of him. When I made doe eyes up at him, he began to spurt his seeds into my mouth. I gobbled it all up voraciously while he moaned with pleasure. I managed to swallow all his cum in one gulp. He. But something was wrong. Too late she realized that she had been set up- Shannon had already begun the countermove by rolling to her side and then to her stomach. Debbie, now on her belly as well, felt the pressure shift and suddenly the pain in her locked legs was overwhelming. She gasped, eyes wide, and began squealing ‘Submit! Submit! I submit!’ The referee was already spreading his flattened palms, indicating a submission and end of match. The MC announced into the microphone, ‘Ladies and.
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