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Oh wait fuck that! She put it in her mouth. That THAT feels good. Wow ,my first blow job I thought to myself. I can't believe how hot it initially felt around my penis. Her mouth was so hot! SHe sucked my penis nice and slowly. Going deeper and deeper each time. Finally she got to the end of my penis. I could not believe how good my mother was at blowjobs. Sure this was my first one but I had seen enough videos to know that if a girl can fit all the penis into her mouth she was doing something. She also loved group sex and orgies and even went to a few BDSM sessions a a private club she had found in a chatroom.We would chat late at night where she would reveal the wildest stories, I found that even though we were far away I could dominate her and she became my willing slut. Frequently I would text her with things I wanted her to do, and on completion she would email me photographic evidence. A most satisfying episode occurred after I received a text message that she had just returned. Tears again came from her eyes and I tried to console her again by wiping off the tears and accidentally her hand touched my sleeping cock and I don’t know when it came to its full position.I then saw in her eyes and our eyes met and then lust spread all over us and aunt kissed on my cheek and I kissed on her lips for just a second and finally we both lost our control and kissed like lovers for two minutes and suddenly I broke the kiss and said no aunt this is wrong. She too was felling ashamed. ‘He’s dead, Evie, your dad died this morning. Babe, I’m so sorry.’ Eve felt like her whole world had just crashed around her, even the water around her seemed to still as she stared into the horizon, tears clouding her vision. ‘Evie? Eve, are you ok?’ Her worried voice came as if from far away. Eve sunk to the polished wooden deck of her small sail boat. ‘I should have been there,’ her chest grew tight and she struggled to take in a long, ragged breath, ‘he shouldn’t have been alone. I should.
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