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" Don't worry. My boy name is Jerry. I'll tell her it's Jerry. I'm really interested. Can I call you tomorrow night?" Yeah, call me after seven. I'll look up the numbers for you at work."As they leave the room, Terry says, "Thanks Jill, that was a great fuck. I really needed it."She gives him a hug, but can't bring herself to kiss him. "You were great, Terry." she says, "You really know what you're doing in bed."As she's driving home, she can't stop thinking about what he told her. Terry might. I heard the tinkle as she relieved herself. She then wiped herself and flushed the toilet. The door didn't open, so I knew that she was still sitting there, waiting for me. Sighing heavily, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Sure enough, she sat there scowling at me."Good morning, Aunt Susan," I repeated."Did you do a decent job of cleaning yourself," she asked, not acknowledging my polite salutation. "Get over here and let me check." Aunt," I said, "I did a..."I stopped. The major in the dusky supply room, fully dressed but for his indecently opened fly and his— ‘Wright? Hey, they turned you loose.’ I blinked my eyes, trying to reconcile reality again. Bradford. He dropped down into the chair in front of me, setting his headgear on the table next to mine. He flashed me a smile and leaned on the table. ‘I haven’t seen you in a while. I missed you, baby.’ I opened my mouth to say something, but couldn’t think of a thing. Instead, I put the sandwich down and. Shards of glass or hard plastic burst around my elbow. The screen shorted out and shut down. My frustrating voice bitched for another few seconds before it spazzed out. I shook my arm in pain. I wiped my elbow trying to get the splinters and spurs away so I wouldn’t be cut to shit.“Aagh!” I bitched and pressed my palm to my teeth to yank out and spit away a sliver. Blood welled up and ran down my lifeline.“Smart. You’re a world conquering billionaire genius.” I admonished myself. I walked away.
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