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Just like any mother would, but I had something different in mind. I looked over at my husband. I liked the idea of my son's hands on me with my husband right there. As I rubbed his hands I tried to move them up my thighs just a little. He didn't give me any resistance. Now his hands were on my skirt with his fingers still on my bare thighs. I rose up a little so I could pull my skirt up a little. His hands moved with my skirt. I looked down and could see my panties. His fingers were so close. Jan saidwe had better stop or she was going to jump our bonesright there in the restaurant. We decided she was readyfor the next part of the evening.Without bothering to zip down her dress, we made ourway out the mall. By the time we reached the car, wehad opened her dress to the middle of her back, leavingher exposed from above the waist on down. At the car, Itook out a blindfold and put it over her eyes. I thenunzipped the dress the rest of the way and took it offher. I put her in the front. I was on my own to watch and help if I wanted. the crew did not need me. So I worked for a while. had to piss, being a farm boy I knew where the chicken house post was. I am pissing and Becca is staring down at my cock. That's real nice, want to work me out on the way home? Not today, Sure did not want to stick her dirty pussy and worried what kind of disease eh might carry. I wanted three things, Tina the hooker and one of the married women lynn. Or all three at once, it did not matter. I did. “Ok whatever,” I sighed smiling. We spent the rest of the evening sitting around talking as three women ! Later Alex produced a cream silk night dress that I slipped into and we all slept together. I felt very turned on by the silk material I was wrapped in, and must have had better sex than I can remember. Through the following weeks this became a regular Friday night thing, which I sort of grudgingly agreed to, dressing me differently each time and teaching me how to apply the make up. They.
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