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She broke free of the boy at the door just as the door slammed in his face. Tears bloomed in her eyes, making them more violet than blue, and as the tear slid down I wanted to kiss it away. Until I thought of that boy and folded my arms as she rubbed at where I’d pulled her. “Dad!” She complained, her voice was just as melodic as before, but not it held heat from her frustration. “What was that?” “That, was me being a father. No boys Posey. New rule.” “That’s a stupid rule!” She shouted at me,. "How'd that appointment go?" Eh." Sawyer passed her and retrieved two controllers from a box in the corner. He tossed one to his friend. "Doc still thinks nothings going to change. There's a new trial drug out, but-" he shrugged, and settled onto the couch. "-it's pretty much the same as the others." My eye," clarified Sawyer, to Renee. He must have seen the question. "You probably noticed." He pushed the hair aside and revealed the silvery thing. "I got the usual mod when I was like, eight.. I looked at her in her t-shirt and shorts. I took her bag and tossed it on the bed and opened it. I started taking out her clothes and tossing them on the bed. When everything was out I turned to her. “It seems that I haven’t been doing my job. We need to go shopping and get you dressed in the brand that you work for. I can’t have you walking around in those other brands. Let’s go shopping and then you can model for me before I ravage your body all night long.”“You don’t have to spend that kind. At one point, Charlize was standing next to me when she put her arm around my waist. I looked at her, and she gave a barely detectable shrug of her shoulders. I could feel Heather’s eyes on me, so looked past Charlize at her. She took the two steps separating her from Charlize, putting her right hand on Charlize’s left shoulder.“I’m sure glad you could be here this weekend, as it confirmed to us that you’re fun. We have to figure out how to spend more time with you. Of course, you need to be.
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