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We would take care of that later.This time, Sarah and James went together to deliver each girl home. Dammit, the 7-year-old was rejected by her family. Had Sarah not been there to keep him in control, he might well have shot both parents. However, there were several other children, all older, so the parents escaped James’ retribution for their stupidity.Sarah immediately adopted the little girl who was named Ann, and returned with the fuming James and the rejected Ann. Susan immediately took. Completely out of character.” she replied. “Did they... rape you?” Carol asked hesitantly. “Let me out, Carol.” Heinrich said softly. “Did they rape you, Patty?” Carol tried again. “Come on, Carol.” Heinrich pleaded. “Let me out.” “Did they force you, Patty? Did they rape you? Christ’s sake, tell me.” “Jesus, did they rape me?” Heinrich repeated with a bored tone, paused, then looked at her partner and grinned. “That get you hot, Carol? Three big fucking niggers forcing you, telling you. It was a slow song so they danced close together. At first he just had his arms around her waist and she had hers on his shoulders. As the song progressed he became a little bolder. He moved his one arm around her and pulled her closer. She responded by sliding her arms up around his neck. I was becoming aroused watching my wife dance slow and close to this strange man. His buddies were also enjoying the action. They high fived each other and laughed. I think they had arranged for the slow. Laying on her stomach with her ass in the air Stacy looked in the mirror by the bed and watched as Luke slides 2 fingers deep in her tight ass and fucked it hard. Her screams echoed off the walls as Luke flicked his tongue repeatedly over her Clit over and over again while fucking her ass with his fingers. His cock was rock solid as he stood up and grabbed Stacy by the hair with one hand as his 2 fingers continued to pound her ass. She opens her mouth as Luke shoved half of his cock down her.
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