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Time: Friday, April 1, 2019 12:13:03 PM“And execute!”Lynncried out as she typed the final keystroke for system reset. There were a dozen people around her in the library in the northwest segment of their home hexagon on the central island. The roof above them was set at full transparency, and a beautiful sunny day was providing more than ample light for the room. An instant after she typed the keystroke, the monitor in front ofLynnsuddenly lost power, presenting her with a dark screen.For. Vincent surmised that if any of the four in the raiding party were recognised, it didn’t matter. The other men made sure the goods got to the port to be shipped to the other countries. They could also probably replace the men doing the actual robberies if one of them was hurt.He had heard several horses take off, but didn’t know how many men were left. Two for sure as far as the gunfire indicated. Vincent heard movement to his left and aimed at the area. He held fire because, in relation to his. .Before the internet there were porn magazines. I've never actually bought one but from time to time as a k**, they'd just turn up - once I found one just lying in the middle of the sidewalk, a little worse for wear but I took it home anyway. This particular day Tim and I were walking through a wooded area when we came across somebody's stash of magazines. Either dumped or left for later, they were at risk of being ruined by the elements so we took them.I'd seen Playboy and Penthouse before but. We didn’t give it a second thought that the beer we ordered was extra strong. She gulped the last bit and left for the bedroom.We continued chatting and drank for some more time and had completely forgotten about my niece. It was around 3:00 when my nephew told me that he had promised his friends that he will treat them in the evening and asked if its OK if he can go out for sometime. I said it’s OK but told him to be back by 9:00 so that we can continue the drinking session in the night. He.
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