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If you decide not to, finish your latte and go and we can pretend this little offer was never made. What do you think?”“I think you’re crazy.”“Fair enough. Ten minutes.”“You really think I’m going to be here in ten minutes?”“The fact that you haven’t left already suggests to me you’re thinking about it. But we’ll see what you’ve thought in ten minutes.” And with that, I got up to take a walk.I started the timer on my cell phone. I didn’t want to come back too soon and appear desperate. . Sie konnte sich nicht mehr genau erinnern, was damals noch alles passiert war, sie wusste nur noch, dass sie irgendwann in einem kleinen Boot aufwachte. Dort waren noch der alte Mann vom Schiff, den sie so gerne mochte, und Nando, ein schwarzer Junge im gleichen Alter wie sie, der ebenfalls auf dem Schiff gewesen war. Sie wusste nicht, wie lange sie mit dem Boot auf dem Meer umher getrieben waren. Obwohl sie und Nando damals noch kleine Kinder waren, begriffen sie doch beide, dass es kaum. "It's OK pet, you run along." Don't you fucking dare move Anna." Mike spat at her and Alejo felt his anger flare again.They waited seeing which order she would obey. Finally she scrambled backwards and Luanna came forward to hold her shaking body against her chest. She stroked Bella's soft hair and spoke gently in her ear. "It's OK darlin' Alejo wont let him take you."Mike moved so he was stood in front of Alejo. He was a couple of inches taller and glared angrily. "You want the slut you can. Friday night I finally asked my mom if I could stay at my friend Tom’s house. she did her usual mom routine, asking when I would leave, be back, blah blah blah. I assured her I would be home by a reasonable time on Sunday and that Steven, my brother, would drive me there and back. She said alright and my heart did a figurative back flip in my chest I was so excited. The next day I gathered my things to leave for Sadie’s. I got in the car and told my brother not to take me to Tom’s but to.
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