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Ok Roxy I think there is only one thing left for us to do ,I know your wife is away for the weekend so we are going to have a girly weekend to celebrate all your hard work ,time to have Roxy ,Wow I could not wait for today mistress thank you so much for your help now let's go party .Roxy first thing to do is buy you a new wardrobe of clothes so Friday is shopping for Roxys clothes .Let's just say I'm in love with my new clothes I have every type of outfit from mild to wild mmm So anyway that is. I breathe in, loving his smell.I lick his balls, gently, and finally flatten my tongue at the littleopening at his head, and lick off his precum. “Mmmmmm…” I moanto myself, enjoying his taste. I wrap my right hand around his nowfully-hard cock and begin to pump up and down the way I have seenhim do to himself so many countless times. He stirs slightly, yetremarkably enough, remains asleep. I continue to jerk him off, andsmile as the precum gathers at his tip and begins to. Emily and her shotgun are nothing compared to how pissed Bethany is going to be if you go back on your word.”“I know. As I said, that’s the fly in the ointment. Stephie and Tatyana would both be upset, but Tatyana is practical and pragmatic, and so she wouldn’t be devastated. Stephie, on the other hand, is going to be a problem whether it’s now or May. At least at the moment, she’s prepared for May and as tough as it will be, she knows it’s coming. Moving it up would likely crush her.”“Steve,. ..FUCK!!! Your little girl is so should come by our place sometime and enjoy her some more, she does love some nasty treatment”“Yeah, I bet, little Mary here does love a good punishment herself, don’t ya my little princess?” “Oh yeah dadda....”With that I turned around with little Mary still impaled on my cock and offered her anal orifice to him.“Want to join me and fuck your daughter even harder?”He smiled and came up behind Mary and with no finesse whatsoever thrust his cock.
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