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We’ve worked together for a little over a year and I hadn’t shared his bed for about six months prior.’ ‘Finally, three months ago, he flew home, asking him to meet him at the airport.’ ‘When we got home he said the infamous words-we need to talk. He had fallen out of love with me, and had met someone. In fact, she was three months pregnant. He wanted a divorce.’ ‘I wanted to feel angry, or betrayed, but all I felt was relief. I still loved him, but not like a wife should love her husband.’ ‘We. ” She said in almost a whisper.“Good morning. I was just checking on you.” He responded.“I know, and I was just kidding.”“Oh good. I wouldn’t want you to think that I was weird or anything.” That statement in itself was just weird. He was sure that she thought he was just strange. But he was wrong. Victoria had known from the very first minute in that rescue unit that Jamie was a very special man and she hated to admit it but that did scare her a little. He was someone she could fall hard for. She shuddered with pleasure at degrading me so completely."Like the taste of another woman's shit?" Here she stood up and jerkedmy head back by the leash."Tell me, bitch, do you love licking my ass? Do you love tasting myshit? Are you a dirty bitch?" She held me by the collar with one handand slapped my face to make me answer, to make me tell her yes, I was adirty bitch, yes, I deserved to be punished like a bad bitch dog.I was placed on all fours in front of the mirror while she paddled myass.. These dolls resemble the SilverSoreceress dolls enough so that we can switch our dolls in for them andmake a fortune selling the Silver Sorceress dolls!"They drove over to the Echelon Toy Store, where they substituted theirown crate of dolls for the one containing the Silver Sorceress dolls. AsMurrray and Minna made their way bacl she said:"I'm glad we had only two crates of dolls, darling! Now we can rest overChristmas!"When they got back to the store with the Silver Sorceress dolls,.
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