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I said sure and he sat in the chair next to me. We started to talk about some of the clowns that were getting drunk and acting stupid. We were laughing and having a good time. We had quite a few drinks as we laughed and joked around. When the party started to wind down I stood up and said it was time to go home. He said the same thing and we walked out to our cars together. I was enjoying his company and asked him back to my place. Being divorced I had the whole house to myself. He said he. She was wearing a button up blouse and a long skirt Kumar got behind her and slowly pulled the skirt down. She stepped out of it as it hit the floor he raised his hands up and started unbuttoning her top as the last button came lose the white blouse fell open showing her bra. I could not help to notice that her nipples were pushing through the fabric, she liked it, and this was turning her on. I was going to go a little further maybe wash her in the shower or something but seeing she was. I watched as Mr. Waters used RED for his personal fuck for a few months, every once in a while bringing another woman in the bed with them or in the hot tub and RED was forced to eat Mr. Waters cum out of the other woman. She actually loved it. I was certain some day I would taste RED.Mr. Waters ended it with RED on video. Told her she needed to find her own replacement for him and he was bored with her whining about a relationship. AMAZING balls this man had. He could care less she was. First, the basic rules:In this Battle Royal only the female characters drop on the island.Their goal is not to kill each other. It’s to strip each other naked.Their weapons don’t hurt them, they only dissolve their clothes.It is forbidden to injure or kill another contestant.When a contestant is naked the one who stripped her completely naked gets the “Strip”.Whoever at the end has the most “Strips”, gets 10 Billion $ or V-Bucks. (I don’t know what the in-canon currency is)Every Contestant has.
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