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While he was lost in his thoughts, he heard a naughty and a sheepish giggle from a woman much older to him which suddenly brought him back to his senses. He looked at her and she at him. For a brief moment, their eyes met but she turned away feeling shy.The man next to her introduced himself to be her husband and insisted that this young man sat next to them for the rest of the journey. He initially refused to which the man pointed out at the young man’s hand which still had the pantie.. Now she had another cock in her mouth and Ed was easing his cock in her little ass and she let out a scream as she slid back further on his long black cock. The guy she was sucking was the same guy who fucked her on the dance floor the last time we were there and he was starting to cum in her mouth with some of his cum dripping out of her mouth down on James. James and Ed had a nice rhythm going, one cock sliding in her pussy while the other was sliding out of her ass and I knew from all the. The fact that I was different and exotic made me more attractive not less. That I worked harder at being pretty and feminine and sexy than most biological women made me even more so. Once I learned that, once I was held and kissed and admired as Jennifer, my confidence grew and I fully accepted what I wanted and who I was, and will be forever more.Being a gurl today is so much easier than it was when I started. There is more acceptance, true, but more importantly there are so many more. Around 11, the party was over and everyone had left leaving just me and Rachael in her house.She was looking gorgeous as usual.We talked for a bit before i leaned in to kiss her.I put my hands around her neck and kissed her.As the kiss grew more passionate,i let my right hand to descend stopping only after reaching her boobs.I gave it a firm squeeze,she moaned and broke up the kiss.For a moment,i was scared that my plan was in shatters but i took a long breath and told her that i wanted to.
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