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We went down stairs and found the police and Tony searching for something,"Chrissie," Tony asked, "I don't want to upset you but where did you spitthe bit of tongue?" Over there I pointed to the spot where Reggie andRonnie were playing with something. "Leave," Tony told them and when theydropped what they were playing with it was the little bit of Jims tongue!The male police officer smiled as he picked it up and put it in a plasticbag. "They won't be stitching that back on in a hurry," he. Oh, my God ... I do love you ... just as much as the big man! She closed her eyes for a few seconds. Thank you, God ... for sending this man to me! Tears welled as she opened them again.When Charles saw her tears, he was afraid. What's wrong, pretty lady? I haven't scared you away by sounding too possessive, have I? Please don't back away from me now! As he watched, he saw another emotion in her eyes behind her tears. Is that love? Is it?!!!She closed her eyes again as a few drops spilled down. ‘As you command, Master.’I observed the alien advance via the ‘spy-dee’ units we’d placed down the corridors that led to the control room. The AIs had also placed an overlay on the display showing the various hidden hatches we’d discovered as well as the guardian units being placed.“Doing pretty much as we thought they would,” I commented thoughtfully as I observed along with the Monitors and sub-Monitors.“Yes, sir,” Monitor Coval agreed. “That command alien is also staying to the rear.”“Mmm,”. I couldnt take anymore I said Sarah can I fuck your feet? Yes ! So I pulled off my pants & said pull your skirt off so she did there she was lying back on the couch with them pink panties on, I kicked the autimin out of the way& pulled her feet up to my rock hard cock I put my cock between her feet & started fucking it felt so good sliding my cock between her soft,smooth souls of her feet. After a while I said I am going to cum, She said oh no you dont you better save that so I quickly stopped.
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