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He starting licking my boobs and fingering me. I was sticking my finger up his ass and was told to lick it. The shit from his ass smelled whenever I licked my fingers but I did it. Devine took his turn next and then Trevor. By now my boobs were really swollen and were red from the boy's teeth indentations. I was starting to get really drunk now. I was drunk enough to stagger when I tried to walk. Trevor handed me the bottle again. I drank another swallow.Trevor said, "Ok guys time to. She smiles as she remembers the way she has been so shy around the tall gallant Yankee captain, all the while feeling such strange (at the time) feelings and having such unladylike thoughts. She sighs and a smile comes to her lips as she remembers the first time she and Robert came together, not at all like it was suppose to be, not married, nor engaged, just two people tired of being alone, tired of the war and all the sadness. Two people possessed with a need to be loved and a desire to love.. So I start cleaning. I put all my dirty clothes into the laundry basket.I mop the floor. I do the dishes.By the time I've finished, I forgot I had breasts. Unfortunately, thefridge door does not forget, and I gasp in pain as I bounce off of it,staining my t-shirt with milk."ugh, ugh, ugh!" I moan, as I stand in the doorway to the fridge, teatdripping onto the floor.I take off the t-shirt and throw it into the laundry basket, and hold mybreasts in my hands.I'm doing this when I turn to the. "Morning you two, sleep well I hope?" asked mom."Wonderful, it felt so good to wake up with Amy, I feel wonderful this morning, ready and raring to go and get to school." When will you be leaving Amy?" asked dad."I am ready to go, normally I leave for about 7.30, so I will just eat this wonderful breakfast you have made for me, thank you, and then I will go." You're welcome Amy, this is normal for the adults in the morning, a big breakfast is good way to start the day, so expect it every.
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