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Do you mind if we talk outside about a few other matters?"My mother looked at me with intense worry."It's okay mom, you can go." I said, reassuring her."It'll only take a second ma'am. It's just some forums that need to be signed. While, we're doing that I'll have one of the nurses do a check-up on your son."My mother nodded. The doctor patted me on the shoulder. I flinched due to my soreness."I’ll be checking back with you in the morning. The day staff will be leaving in a few to switch out. I met a beautiful older woman which loved younger men and was ready for an exciting sexual experience with a young stud ready to please her body for as long as she could take it. We decided to meet in a park where there were generally few people. As I was walking up to the bench where we chose to meet, I could see she was wearing a skirt that went down to her knees and a sexy blouse which showed off her round breasts and her nipples were hard and could be seen with ease. I sat next to her and. Her clit was pink and hard. I knelt between her legs. She reached out and grabbed my cock and pulled my cock into her spread pussy lips.Her hands pulled and guided me to her dripping cunt. She placed the tip of my swollen purple head at her pussy, my gateway to heaven.My cock moved inside my sister’s cunt. A hot pleasure washed over my hard swollen cock. Her body reacted to my entry, thrusting to meet the penetration of my hard flesh. She opened her thighs wide and allowed my cock to plow. I reached for Jason’s hand and squeezed it. “Hold still, honey,” Gina told Jason. Atop Jason’s cock, lithe and lovely Gina slowly spun herself around, reversing her position so her ass (and those dimples) was facing Jason and me. His cock remained plugged into her cunt the whole time. Charlie reached over and grabbed Gina’s breast, but never lost his rhythm inside me. Charlie bounced off my ass at exactly the same tempo that Gina rebounded from Jason. “Can you feel me squeezing, Jason?” Gina.
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