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I looked over and waved for Jessica who came to join us and we had a nice, slow, three-way dance. When we finished, we got something to drink, then each of us danced with several other people, before I had my three daddy/daughter dances. After my dance with Birgit, who went last, Tiffany and Rachel asked me to dance, which I did. When the song finished, they scampered off to find boys closer to their ages to dance with.After several more dances and quite a bit of conversation, it was time for. As I look good so I had lot friends boys and girls in contact.Suddenly she came and I was talking on phone. When I hanged up I saw her standing behind me. She sid she wants to talk to me. I said ya go on. She said lets stand separately.I followed her. She- hey, I need to tell you something from many days..Me- ya go ahead.She- please don’t misjudge me. I ..Me- come on tell..She- I love you and want to be in relationship with you.Me- I was abit shocked becoz didn’t expect. I said “I don’t know. He said it was even more titillating than naked! He would always ask me whether I was in the mood for it or not but I seldom turned him down as I needed it just as much, unless I was totally off or due to my stomach pain. My body was shared by both of them but my love remained with my hubby. Eddie was our good buddy and a fuck buddy with totally no love attached. But about three months later when he found a job in another state, he flew off and only came back to visit us once in a blue moon. " You must be the Commander's sister." Huh?" I told him he was 'Commander Man-chu, Fu's half brother' — you must be Maggie Man-chu." Yes. The evil plotter of Central Australia!" Thanks." Now get to your other calls. Don't forget to make an appointment to 'inform' the Dean." Right. Bye."I made the appointment with the Dean for after lunch. Then I called Janice and got through to Kevin. "OK," I said. "Thank you, but explain everything, please." Everything? OK. But it'll take time. About fourteen.
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