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We made Topeka well before sundown the second day, but I decided to stay the night here and leave out early in the morning. I put Red and Blue in the same stall at the livery, to save money; then decided to look for a place to take a bath. That was one of the things I had become accustomed to while I stayed at Polk’s place. I took a hot bath every other day at the barbershop and I damn-well loved it.The hostler told me that I could get a hot bath for a dime down at the barbershop, which was. I wiped the tears away from her eyes. She held my head to her breasts and i felt her ample nipples poking my cheek. She said I love you you’re the most wonderful step mum a boy could ever have. She was very needy and after I had helped her with her constipation problem our relationship had changed forever (read “auntie helps mummy”). I helped her into the bedroom her feet squelching in her shoes and her wet trousers rubbing against her thighs made her walk open legged like she’d shit herself. I. The cheerleaders rehearsed at the same time as the football team each afternoon, and watching his girlfriend lead the group of young, nubile women had distracted him so much he could barely concentrate on what his coach was telling him.“Jesus!” he cried out as Brandi dramatically entered the room, her eyes widening at the sight of the black teen holding his hardness in one hand, and a photograph in the other. He dropped the picture in his desperate attempt to cover himself up.Brandi, barely. Nope. Perhaps I had learned my lesson for a week, but I replayed that day over and over again in my mind and I found myself preoccupied with moonlight images of her in my mind. I went back to that street by the park and waited for the bank to close, my heart pounded with anticipation and my dick throbbed and begged for release. Caution and common sense are no match for a hard dick, full balls and youthful passion. She walked out the side door of the bank and the madness began again. I.
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