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Guess maybe I should have paid more attention to the old woman. Not long after settling in, Mrs. Bellman’s word began to ring true…things began to happen. Small stuff, hardly noticeable, still, they were things. Searching for my keys in the morning, for example, I would come across them lying on the floor under the window, or beneath the couch. Those things could happen to anyone, (though probably not as often as they were happening to me) but then, I had been under a lot of stress lately,. Your hand is soft and warm in mine. I hold it strongly and lift you up and soon you are standing close beside me. My heart beats faster as I see you standing. So close to me. I can feel the warmth of your body. I watch your fingers as they brush the clinging sand from your body. My heart jumps with each stroke. Soon you stop and again you look at me. For what seems like several minutes you search my face. Then, without speaking, you move forward and gently kiss my cheek. Your lips are warm and. Pet them when they aren’t in the mood? Forget it, they’ll just walk or run just far enough away to be out of your reach. Let’s face it, they aren’t the pet, we are. They tolerate us and train us, not the other way around. Now with that said, I’ll also add that there are times when all of that isn’t a bad thing at all. I mean take for example Roscoe, my neighbor’s cat. Well, just read on and you’ll soon see just what I mean when I say they are in control of us, like it or not. This all starts at. But I know Ric will like her. I think the two of us cld make her squirm. I wonder if she ever untucks her shirt? She’s so professional looking; I wonder if that’s just to hide the a****l underneath!My fantasizing is soon called to a halt wen Professor Rimmer calls my name. “Annie! Annie; do u have something u’d like to share with the rest of us?” Wen I look up, my face is red with embarrassment. “No, Miss Rimmer”, I murmer. “I’ll c u after class.”I slink down in my seat, feeling like a little.
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