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“Get that thing in here now!” as she pointed to her pussy opening.The head of Brendon’s cock brushed against here pussy lips and the Brendond hesitated, “ I don’t know.”Heather jumped with excitement at the touch of this beautiful cock and immediately got frustrated with Brendon for not giving her pussy what it wanted, what it desperately needed.“You bring that thing here. I deserve it and need it more than you do.”Heather leaned up and grabbed his cock near the tip and dragged him to her. Emma moved her legs to give me full access to her vagina slowly I slid my penis into the opening of her vagina I felt resistance as her hymen broke I had taken Emma’s virginity I started to thrust deeper inside her soft warm body she moved to meet my thrusts suddenly Emma gave a massive shudder her legs jerked wrapping around me as she came to her orgasm at this point I shot my load of warm white sperm deep into her beautiful body.After awhile I licked and kissed my way down Emma’s beautiful. It only took a minute or two and I was shooting cum up to my chest and neck. Laying there covered in cum Tonya decides to get on her knees and put her cock in my mouth feeding it to me like a mother bird feeds worms to her babies. I felt her grabbing my cock and roughly putting it back in my thong and then got me up on my hands and knees on the bed. She got off the bed grabbed another condom and lube and got in front of me sticking the condom in my mouth and then sliding her cock in my mouth. She stopped and to her surprise i pulled my shorts down, revealing my boner. She was startled and turned around instantly. I told her that it was okay and she could look. She turned around and asked me what it was. I told her that it was called a penis. She asked me if she could touch it and i told her of course! She touched it with one finger like it was gonna bite her, when I suddenly grabbed her hand and put it around it.she said that i was really hard. I told her that i wanted to feel her.
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