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She needed to spread her legs a little wider. It wasn't exactly lady-like, but who would know?Alex was back to running his hand up and down the length of his cock now. Every once in a while he would pause to play with the ridge running around the head. He ran his finger in small circles around the tip, across his slit, which resulted in a trail of pre-cum that he then used as lube to rub back into the skin. Then back to the shaft. Marie knew that this routine had been crafted and perfected over. And underwear I say with a smirk on my face You want me to get naked.. in front of you? she asks Yep No way, not happening Think about this for a second, Kate I respond, confident that she will comply She stand there frowning in silence, before rolling her eyes Youre disgusting she says, while pulling off her tshirt quickly, and throwing it to the side. I stand there in awe, stunned at the sight of her sexy tits, and before I know it, she has her panties off and thrown to the side Happy? She. I clamped my lips gently around him and proceeded to give him my best blowjob I felt him stiffen and soon I could heel his cum hitting the back of my throat. I pulled back and proceeded to show him what I had in my mouth. I pushed it with my tongue to cot my lips and then proceeded to swallow it all. He grabbed his dick and proceeded to masturbate himself. I offered to do it for him and proceeded to take over. He wanted to cum in my face so I wanked himself towards me. He stiffened again and. Kissing my mouth, My neck.. Nibbling on my earlobe his hands tracing my breasts through my shirt, Squashing and squeezing them hard, Excitement started to build in my body.. Soon his hands slid down to my bottom squeezing them hard Your ass fits my palms perfectly Ashley he whispered in my ears.. and started to grind against my pussy rubbing his bulge on my bald pussy after pulling my skirt up, making me pretty horny, I couldnt take his teasing anymore and yelled Fuck me already now will you.
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