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I wanted to get out to stretch and catch a bathroom break anyway. This journey was only beginning, and I had no idea what lay ahead for us. What Sally knew about traveling on The Highway she wasn't sharing with me yet.I'd already apologized, in the event anyone was listening, for the quality of the fuel I'd had to buy at the last stop. Choices are few out here, and I didn't know where I'd find a fueling station on The Highway.I was amazed at how calmly I was taking all this. Here I am about to. I kept sucking them and sucking them until the milk stopped running down my throat. I stopped sucking them and began fondling my own brests while moaning in pleasure. "Now get on the bed you little bitch and strip yourself of your slut cloathing" she said with a strict tone. I nodded and striped myself while walking to the bed. I felt furry cuffs go around my hands and legs and then I felt them get lightly pulled so that I was above the bed. It turns out that she had a machine had. "So, would you care to join me for either or both of those activities?" But that would mean getting out of this comfortable bed. Couldn't you give me a sponge bath, and bring me breakfast in bed? After all, my shapely buttocks still hurt from the paddling you gave me yesterday." And they will hurt even more if you don't rid yourself of this tendency toward laziness and self-centred behaviour." I scooped her up in my arms, and headed toward the bathroom, then straight into the shower. I. "Yeah the male and the she-male, what about them?" Greta asked."I think you mean, the she-male and the female, that's what!" the captain suggested."No, way I didn't get that wrong, they both had dongs, you know?" Greta grinned."Yes believe it or not I do know dongs, and that pair have only one small one between them" the captain replied in a flash."This I have to see for myself!" Greta said and leapt from the chair to leave the room."Not so fast Dillon, I haven't told you my views on the.
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