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’ As I rip open your ligerie to expose your stunning breast and begin to run an ice cube over them tracing the outline of your nipples as they become firm and I watch as water slides down them. Then I move the ice cube down your stomach enjoying every shiver of your gorgeous body. Then I come to your panties. Do you want me to rip these off too. Yes master you reply as I tear off your panties and run a new ice cube along your legs and then finally your pussy and clit. ‘Are you cold my pet, do. If her journal was anyindication, Ally did seem like that kind of person...I caught my reflection in the mirror attached to the door and stared atmyself again while Jen wrapped her arm around my tiny frame to give me aside-hug and said, "I've got to get to class, but text me if you needanything..."Before I could reply, I saw the most beautiful girl in school approach mein the mirror and I instantly snapped around, spinning on my heels toface her. Violet Everdale. The Queen Bee, the head. "You are a pretty, attractive, and successful woman and you don't think anyone else knows, but I do. I will spank you just the way your Daddy did if you take off all of your clothes, get on your knees before me, and beg me ... just right. You know what I mean. Better text me soon because I don't have forever, you little bitch."Who knew? Before long I had a mailbox full of responses.Which one do I answer first? I answered the one that had a picture of a very attractive and sexy middle aged woman. The following is a list of why I didn’t succeed more often:We will wake the kids - 54 timesIt’s too late - 15 timesI’m too tired - 42 timesIt’s too early - 12 timesIt’s too hot - 18 timesPretending to be asleep - 31 timesThe neighbors will hear - 9 timesHeadache or backache - 26 timesSunburn - 10 timesYour mother will hear us - 9 timesNot in the mood - 21 timesWatching the late show - 17 timesToo sore - 26 timesNew hairdo - 6 timesWrong time of the month - 14 timesYou had to go to the bathroom.
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