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The beach is crowded. Some people have bathing suits on, and others are nude like myself.I lay down on my back and start to sunbathe. The sun is beating down on my body. My skin is feeling very hot. I get up and walk to the waters edge. I stick my toes into the water. I walk further into the water. The water is very cold, but my skin is so hot from the sun. I am deep enough in the water and start to swim. My nipples are hard and erect.The water feels so good against my nude body. I swim all. Suppose you figure out who the father is, and he wants you to get an abortion. What do you do then?"Lisa and Jo looked at each other. "I hadn't thought of that," Lisa said in a small voice. "Do you think he would?" He might not," Krissi said, "but his wife might. Or she might insist that they get the baby after you have it."Lisa swallowed, and her hand went to her tummy. "No. They can't have it. I'm the mother. It's mine. It's ours." The courts might not agree," Krissi said."But... they. After a few moments staring at each other “Well…” Alyssa said. “You guys just going to watch?” I asked. “ooooohhh” Holly said excited. Evidently she wanted to put on a show. “Okay I’ll start first then” Alyssa Said, pulling her t-shirt off and tossing it on the floor. Her milky white skin was augmented by her black bra, supporting her somewhat small tits. She reached back and undid her strap, letting her bra fall from her chest, releasing her breasts. “There, I started” Alyssa said, her bright. I again looked at her cleavage which had reappeared with her dropping her hands down to the floor. “Err could I?” I didn’t have to finish what I was about to say as Ann asked “So you’d like to see my boobs would you, you’ve always had a fascination for my boobs you naughty man”. I smirked as she dropped the robe over her shoulders, exposing those bountiful breasts, folding her arms underneath them, raising herself up on her knees and arching her back, thrusting her boobs up and at me. “You can.
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