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I normally kept it in the drawer at my desk; but today I had decided to get it with me, just in case. So I reached into my bag, knowing that I could not wait to feel the little device inside of me…I did not waste any time; I just rammed it in me and let out a moan. I kept on driving on the freeway but undid my white blouse and pinched my nipples so hard, that I cried for more. So, I returned to my wet cunt and slid the nice toy even deeper in me, doing it faster and faster, while rubbing my. David grabbed a trash barrel and began cleaning out the car. Obvious trash was going in the barrel; things of a personal nature were going into a small box.Danielle walked over from the house and asked, "Why are you cleaning his car out?" I was thinking of dumping it in a shopping center parking lot and letting it get stolen," David explained. "It is so trashy that no self respecting thief would want anything to do with it."They both chuckled, and Danielle pointed to the small box. "What's. Look at you Kimmy, Jay said he looks better than most his reg. GFs. Now get over here suck my cock while Ray enjoys that ass/pussy. I still had cum farting from my fresh fucked hole, Ray was balls deep no lube, after 10 min. Jay said my turn cum sit on my fat Cock sissy, I eased all the way down and bounced moaning getting louder. Then I felt Rays fat cock head trying to enter, I tried to poop real hard it popped in, that when I let out scream, pull it out AAAWWAAWWAHHHFUUUCCK IT HURTs Ray. I know I yelled out when he pushed himself into me and he stopped for a second, saying "Shhhhh!" but without much hesitation immediately started nailing the holy hell out of me. I don't think it was any more than a minute before I came. I remember crying out "Oh god I'm gonna fucking cum..." and he started fucking me harder, whispering things like "That's it babe... cum for me.... Let me feel you cum for me... You horny fucking slut..." and it set me on fire. My pussy clenched down on him so.
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