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. He moaned softly as Arnold began to rub his firm manhood through his pants. Youthful hormones and desire overwhelmed any caution, and Fred grabbed at Arnold's huge tits with one hand while he plunged his other hand into her panties.***"So, who wants to test the water?" Brandon asked quietly.Only five of the guys were gathered; Arnold was probably in her room masturbating again. Since she'd been changed, she'd done Fred, Bert, and two guys down the hall. And she'd been playing with herself. Usually the driver would ignore her but today he smiled and eyed her up and down. "Morning Amanda" he said in a sing song style suggesting he too had heard of her indiscretion. "Morning," she responded quietly her head down not meeting his gaze. Jade avoided her again when they arrived at the school and she could hear the tittering and snide comments as she made her way to class. She could feel the eyes boring into her as she found her way to her desk. The first period of the day was general. ?I want you ladies to very slowly turnaround and face the wall and put your hands behind your backs?. They turnedgazing frantically at the large guns in the man?s hands and did as he said. Hequickly brought out lengths of cord and tied their wrists together tightly.?Now I don?t want any noise from you while I am working so I am going to haveto gag you too so open your mouths wide.? The girls obeyed and he brought outthree large rubber ball gags and quickly inserted them into the girls mouths. Are you here for an appointment, or are visiting a patient?"As she asks you can help but look down her blouse, as she is seated down into the floor making it almost impossible not to. You notice her patiently smiling at you till you come back to your senses. "Oh sorry, I'm here for an appointment with Dr Grace. it was supposed to be at three but I was told to come an hour early to complete my registration." That is no problem sir, if you would like to take a seat over in the waiting area you.
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