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She parts my “gem” with her tongue, since I was hairless, and timidly played within me. “FUCK”, I thought to myself. This bitch is not Fuckin serious!! I ate her out on a regular, and she STILL can’t get the gist of eating pussy! My emotions get the better of me. I just stop. “Know what, get off me!” “What babe? What’s wrong?” She slowly climbs from over me. Looking hurt and confused. “I don’t understand why you don’t get this. You know what I do to you. I know you like it. Why is it so hard. I took off my robe and climbed in bed with her and wrapped my arms around her. I was naked and was glad to feel that she was naked too. I rubbed my body next to hers to warm us up. She was about a foot taller than me but when your in bed that doesn't matter anyway, so I rest my face on her warm chest. My dick was beginning to get hard poking her belly. She hugged me back and said are you sure this is ok, what about vivi? I told her trust me you are a best friend and we will take care of each. She explains that there are different rooms in the establishment and that we have free reign to go to any of the doors we would like as many times as we would like. We agreed to try things out for a couple of hours on our own and then meet up and decide further.I walked into the first room after making my ***********ion of whores. The room was empty except for a chair and a bed. I made my way to the chair, removing my clothes as I sat down. No sooner had I gotten seated the door opened and a. So, you’re going to have to instill this shield into the walls, ceiling, floor, windows and door.”I frowned. “I guess I understand the ceiling, but the floor too?”“You know why sound doesn’t travel in space?” he asked.“Because it’s a vacuum,” I answered almost automatically even though I was confused by what his question had to do with my lack of understanding. “Sound waves commonly travel through the particles that make up the air we breathe.”“Right,” he said. “And sound travels very well.
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