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As he doubled the belt up he gently draped it over her back so shecould feel the cool leather. He then swung back and began to swing. Donna?sbody was shaking. The reaction was as much mental as it was physical. He wascounting as he went. Five?.Six?..Seven?..Eight. Nine and Ten he stepped intothem make sure they really hit home. Donna was so tempted to use the safe word, but she did notwant to disappoint her Master. She also knew that after this punishment wasover..Ok the next 9 weeks were over. Her boobs and her nipples are clearly seen. I got erecting seeing that. We asked her not to tell about the scene happened yesterday. She said if u do in front of I won’t tell any thing and u both must do what ever I say. We both agreed and I asked my friend to start the job. She stopped us and said” wait for a while other person is also readying to watch that scene”, then she called “Ramesh are you ready come soon”. After that call a guy of age 45 may be came out just with a towel. She. All this while, my dick had rubbed on her pussy. She had felt the warmth of it.Dee : Jaanu, I cant wait anymore. Enter me.She said this and closed her eyes again. I could not believe my ears. I knew she was a virgin and so was I. Fear and excitement rung in together. I pulled my foreskin back. It pained little.I licked her pussy, she moaned in ecstasy. Slowly, I kept the head of my dick on the opening of her pussy. She helped it at the right spot.Dee : Make me yours now Jaanu.I pushed my dick.. I slowly wash my hands and then turn to get some paper to dry them I find myself facing this guy, and I am transfixed taking in his fondling pleasure.I turn over my shoulder and ask if I can hold his cock. He says sure and I walk over to him. As if I am witnessing I watch my hand reach over and encircle his thick shaft. I rub his cock up and down and move up close to him. I wet my hand and rub his shaft more vigorously. He now has his eyes closed rocking to my caress. I ask if I can sit with.
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