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"Six shots and only one miss. I think it was the combined hits low that took the Sa'arm ship out. The explosion appeared to start from there."I shrugged. "I'm still buying Fred the first beer when we get to the recreation hall."I felt a bit cocky and called out. "Hey Tam, Tif. I think we need to make today a holiday. Something like Fred the Sharpshooter Day."There was a giggle, but Fred protested. "Oh no. You don't pin this day on me. You were the first to ride that wildcat into the atmosphere,. . Looking at me with my facecovered in their juices and cum dripping out of my ass an slowly runningdown my legs... Their jaws dropped. Slowly and absent-mindedly pullingthe bed sheet over their nakedness, my wife whimpered:- Honey..? Is that... you?I blushed even more and lowered my eyes, shame feeling me to the brink,wishing to die. I am found out... They know it's me... Oh my god, what amI going to do? What are they going to do? Is this the end of everything?Oh please, please, please...-. ”“He does kind of resemble that one. We may need to take a closer look at him,” Eli said. They looked toward the man one more time as he turned his mule west.“I say we take a ride,” Ezra said, spitting on the ground between his feet, his eyes pulled down tight, not even looking at his brothers.“We got an hour before we need to head back. I say we ride out of town a ways and look things over too. We haven’t been out that way in a long time,” Micah said as they all stood and stretched, before. You’ve sensed it. In a way, I am still with you. And you sense that too, don’t you?’ She hugged him, nodding, and thought, how strange this is. For some reason, she wasn’t tearing up. She would when she woke, she knew, but not now. Amy snuggled against him comfortably. She knew it was the last time, and another miracle of its own – but she could not feel sad. This really is the island outside of time, she realized. ‘I’ll always love you, Geoff. No one could ever replace you.’ He grinned..
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