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I know stars danced behind her eyes and time stood still.There was a deep moan from my husband and I knew he had joined her in a mighty climax. Then both collapsed on the bed and were still.*I let a few minutes pass before I quietly got up. I refreshed my drink and walked into the living room. Nothing had been planned for “afterwards”. Small talk? Clothed or still naked? Another drink? I looked out the windows. The beach was moonlit and inviting. I put on my jacket and my shoes. They never knew. If not a full-on masturbation addict, I’m certainly an emotional masturbator. When I’m sad, happy, grouchy, or just bored, my hand automatically reaches down into my underwear and onto my cock. I can hardly be left alone for a few minutes on a comfortable piece of furniture without rubbing myself. Hotels are the worst—often, the only place to sit down is a bed, so I’m basically just touching myself the entire time I’m in the room.My first memories of masturbating are from when I was about 9 or. Soon, no elves were visible on the decks of the ship, only men, dressed as closely to sailors in homespun and borrowed garments as they could manage. All of them were rangers, and their gear of war was near to hand.This plan would not work if they did not achieve near total surprise on the forces defending Remless.The Praetor sat at the long banquet table with the justicar, Ulanis, and Sendrus. Sendrus was standing near the massive bay windown that overlooked, of all things, the bay. "The lady. This helped more pre-cum fill my mouth, which I swallowed eagerly.I finally decided to take the plunge and ask him for the ultimate favor and gift. "Would you please fuck me?" is what I said. This wonderful man, with his hard, dripping cock, made my heart leap when he whispered "Yes." He was going to fuck me. I pulled my pants all the way off to I could spread my legs properly. I wet my fingers and lubed up around my asshole as best I could while turning around. He had pulled himself more.
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