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As soon as I was about to cum I warned her that I am about to precum she increased her sucking speed and I cummed in her mouth.Then she came on top of me and was about to insert my dick in her pussy. I stopped her suddenly and told her that fun should be done safe and I particularly doesn’t like to risk my life. So I told her that I have a condom in my jeans, I just get it. I stood up and ran towards the entrance door to grab the condom I picked up a full packet of the condom me and went back. I had taken plenty of pictures, so I asked if she would use her vibrator to make herself cum, and I could videotape it. The look in her eyes, the expression on her face, her obvious excitement, all indicated that she liked the idea of being videotaped and in particular, being videotaped while she played with her pussy. I put the camera on the coffee table. Gail lay on her back on the bed, and I bent her legs back at the knees and spread her legs. I opened her drenched pussy with my fingers. Travis asked how he knows, said he's watched Ty and his crew fuck white girls there , and his uncle's fucks his girlfriend. We kept watching mom dance, let men feel her cunt, fits bartenders would collect bills they dropped between her legs and put them in a gar under bar. I fell asleep after a couple hours, but Jerome,Travis and Desmond kept watching mom dance, Travis shook me awake and saw it was almost midnight, just the 3 business men , Ty and his boys and bartenders were left. Told me mom. "Grace and Terry walked into Grace's bedroom. Her body had been taken to the morgue and she didn't want to leave London that night, the shock of what she had seen made her scared. She had looked in Sandy's bedroom and she had helpfully sorted out all of her belongings before she had killed herself. This made Grace cry again; the very thought that she had spent the last days of her life organising her own death.It hit her that suddenly she would have the rest of her life without her only friend.
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