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"He paused, and took the time to drink from a flask."An Aethling is traditionally awakened by their intended Celestial spouse, however, the logistics of awakening is much more simple. All that must be done is for a significant amount of Angelic power to be placed on the barrier that retains the Angelic nature of the host."That didn't sound right. "Angelic Power Jon? Do I look like an Angel to you? I managed to awaken her ... your information must be incorrect."Jon raised a hand. "I was just. He had stood there in shock as she excitedly greeted the man. Jerry had gone over and smacked the dude, putting him right on his ass. The man turned out to be her brother that Jerry had never met, just home for the weekend from College. Meeting the brother was going to be the big surprise of the evening, so although Dana had mentioned she had one, she kept the fact that he was showing up that night to herself. After finding himself thrown out of the house, Dana would not even take his phone. Robert showed up a little while later bringing some different magazines.Dropping the magazines on the floor he began to take off his pants. Heidi and I just stared.Robert looked down at the two of us and said "Heidi has nothing on, why can't I? he was right she never did put her bottoms back on.As he slid his underwear off his huge cock popped straight up in the air.Heid's eyes never left it, she too was amazed, the minute he sat down, she asked if she could touch it.At this point Robert didn't. She counted on her fingers and then just shook her head. “Utterly impossible!” she declared. “That would put them in the sixth month and they’re both flat as boards.”“Did you feel either of their abdomens?” Kris asked. “I happen to know that both infants are kicking up a storm.”Mary Beth just slowly shook her head. “I guess not,” she confessed. “I was ... occupied ... with other parts of their anatomy.” Then she added, “Last night was an all-time first for me. Never did I think I could ever be.
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