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He moved powerfully, but so smooth that got your attention.His voice was deep and low, with a sensual roughness that ran down her spine. He wasn't loud or brash in some effort to gain her attention. His voice had undertones that spoke to her. She would have given much to hear that voice whisper her name.He was also tall, taller than she was, which was a serious plus! At her 5'10", most guys looked at her like they were planning an assault on a hilltop fortress. He was tall enough that she felt. He answered."Hello. It's Joanne." Oh hullo." said Peter, and he gave his room number.A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. Peter opened the door and saw before him a small, plump woman. He had met her at the agency with his wife so knew what to expect. Her eyes bulged a little but she was quite attractive, with a well shaped little nose, blue eyes and a clear complexion. "Come in won't you." said Peter.Joanne smiled shyly and asked to use the toilet.While she was doing that Peter. Again she was dressed provocatively and it was hard for me to keep my eyes from her swaying bust. This time I took her deeper and deeper until at last I found the answer.It was a complete surprise not to say shock but suddenly her voice changed subtlety and she became some one else."Like my slut do you," it was still Wendy's voice that had spoken but it wasn't her."Use her if you like," the voice continued, "she's a great fuck, does everything I want."I looked over at Jen and she looked stunned. As a young girl she had assumed she would follow in his footsteps…her family had encouraged her to do so…guided her in that direction…it was her destiny. Three years out of graduate school she had been on the management fast track with a highly respected corporation. As a twenty-six year old region manager, everyone assumed she’d make vice president before she was thirty. Just prior to her twenty-seventh birthday the most important man who had ever been in her life left her unexpectedly. Her.
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