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She pulled back with a pleasurable gasp. Looking up at her, in the moonlight, she appeared different. Her hair must have been up in a bun earlier, because now it cascaded around her face, a curtain of curly locks. Her face looked timeless and mysterious, and really the same age as him.“Miss Vivienne...” he stammered out. How did he know her name? Had she told him? Everything was so confusing, but the sight of her hard nipples pressing against her nightgown was something he could understand. So. The contingent of riders leaving Jason's place was much the same as the one that had hit the Circle R almost a week ago. Arturo had picked the men to go with the raiders and the men to stay as protectors, but Jason let it be known that he had approved the list. That was to keep down the resentment against Arturo from those who had to stay behind.They had a rough idea of what the Bar B Bar ranch house and environs looked like, but Jason had never personally seen it, so it was more of a fishing. She let out a quivering sigh, as she unconsciously rolled her hips in small circles, rubbing the head of his stiff tool with her taint, and the bottom of her swollen vagina.The motion of her tender young flesh against his hard cock became smoother, as her pussy released a slick, liquid mark of its arousal.She suddenly realized what she was doing, and her body stiffened, as fear, and shame gripped her mind.'What the fuck are you doing?' she screamed inside her head. 'Do you want him to pop your. Profit was the root of all evil. He was rabidly anti-capitalist and unashamedly socialist. That wouldn’t make him too popular in his Party, these days. Travers, the civil servant, had one of those free-hosted sites with pictures of his prize-winning begonias or something. I’m no gardener but Travers was an absolute fanatic. Nothing political or inflammatory there. They seemed strange bedfellows, the right-wing newspaperman, the left-wing politician and the begonia grower. I couldn’t see a link.
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