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" It was sort of common knowledge among the Junior Execs that anytime one of the Seniors wanted to go anywhere, they could use the company jet at cost. Well, seeing there was a full time crew on standby all the time, the only cost was fuel, landing fees and any other taxes that were levied.That kept the accountants and the tax man happy about any impropriety or unreported benefits. It was still a giant perk. Flying anywhere in the World by their private jet was cheaper than multiple plane. I squeezed a large glob between her full ripe breasts. I rubbed it in making a soapy lather. I quickly had her covered in soap. She squirmed and squealed in delight. I rubbed my body into hers getting me all covered in soap. I let her hands go and she quickly squirted body wash on my stiffening cock. “I guess round two starts now,” I said giggling as Beth tickled my rising dick with soap covered hands. She spun me around and ground her soapy tits into my back, sliding up and down. It felt. ?Lexie did not want her man to feel remorse about things which he couldnot change, so she gave him encouragement and changed the subject.?You are doing it and that is all that matters. I know there is a bigparty at the frat on Saturday, but Ronnie invited us over for a dinnerparty for Dillon?s friends to meet her boys. Don?t worry, it will beover well before the Alpha house starts rocking.?Ryan Gordon?s happiness was as genuine as a drunken person?s opinionabout being invited to the dinner. How could I make a promise like that in allhonesty? Would you believe me if I said I wouldn't?" The tears ran downmy face as I saw our marriage ending.She began to laugh. She roared with laughter, while I gaped at her inamazement, sitting there stunned. It took a couple of minutes for her tostop and wipe her eyes...............I couldn't help myself. The incongruity and serendipity of thesituation!..............."Now we both look like pandas," she said. "Before we do anything else,let's both.
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