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To live as the gender they believe they truly are."I looked up, and the agent nodded at one of the men. His hard eyesnarrowed, and suddenly I saw myself in the mirror, slipping a bra overmy shoulders, bringing the cups down and under soft breasts beforeclasping the straps together in the back. Just as I watched my motherput on her bra, years ago. Just as I did when I first raided her bradrawer, at the age of fourteen. I'd fantasized I had breasts then. NowI saw myself with real pert,. "Yeah," I answered as I locked my bike in the rack, "What I get for trying to be modest while in the Program."She chuckled at that, and so did some of the girls."I think," she grinned, "that you can pretty much forget about modesty for the rest of the week."We bounded the rest of the way up to the axis, where we entered the Adam P. Rubenstein Zero-G Sports Complex. This complex is outside the habitat proper, but connected in such a way that one never has to be in the vacuum to get from the. “Would you like to connect live?” With that, I ***********ed option number 1 which would let her know I wanted to talk live. I waited.“You are now being connected,” said the chatline.“Hi,” I said, “How are you?”“Oh hey, I’m good, how are you?” came the response.“I’m good. What’s your name?”“I’m Cathy, who are you?”“Steve,” I said. “What are you looking for?“Oh, just someone to hang out with, I guess,” said Cathy. “What about you?”“To be honest, I’m really horny,” I said. “I’m looking to get. So she did the decent thing and got out of bed. She went downstairs and made the coffee and toast for both of them. Marmalade on her toast and honey for Steve. A smile crept over her face and she gathered an important item from the kitchen before she started back upstairs. Lizzie was hoping that Steve would have a bit of a hard-on by now, after all, it was morning. When she re-appeared, Steve was still half asleep. She looked at him, dismayed, not fully understanding how he managed to sleep for.
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