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She knew her stuff, soon sucking firmly, and I was soon fully erect.We were soon headed back to the bed without toweling ourselves off. She kneed herself onto the bed from the foot and I grabbed her legs to twist her to her back. She giggled as I crabbed between her legs, lifting them, putting my face to her pussy. I had watched her finger her pussy clean and could smell the sweet smell of soap as I explored her pussy. She moaned appreciatively.Her pussy was withdrawn as she maneuvered to crab. They both were becoming lost, the film a forgotten noise in the background to the sounds of their breathing, the sounds of beating hearts and shifting furniture. He was begining to lose focus, to fall into a state of animal passion and his hands responded, one moving from her neck to the back of her blouse, seeking the clasp of her bra, the other worked it's way to the waistband of her trousers, slipping between the elastic of her panties and warm, electrified skin of her stomach. She breathed. They then moaned loudly, and cummed into each other's hands. "Get on your knees," Jon said orderly. Nathan turned over, sticking his ass up in the air. He then felt something wet run up and down his ass, making him moan. "Mmmm Jonny~," he moaned as he felt Jon's tongue pucker the rim of his hole. Jon then spit in his hand, wetting his cock while looking into Nathan's eyes. He then lined his dick up towards Nathan's asshole, pushing in slowly. Nathan moaned and threw his head back. "You like. "Woman who has not ... Oh god..." I groaned because in one quick movement, Julie had both uncovered my cock and slipped her lips over the semi-hard head.She sucked, hard for an instant and then slower, her hands pushing my underwear down so that all of my erection was accessible. And a rock hard erection it was rapidly becoming as her little tongue danced along the head and slid up and down."Mmm, dick tastes better when it tastes like pussy." She purred, letting her lips fall free of me. I.
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