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Her fiery red hair dropped down just above her 36ds. She worked out so she had a nice body, though her ass was a little big, but there were never complaints about that. Her parents had left her a credit card of theirs, for whatever she may need. They repeated NEED many times. No frivolous spending on wants. In her mind, this was a need. Her dad did say to get some new clothes. The latex she picked out took over a week and was cutting it close. Her stay there wasnt going to last much longer. It. I licked Eric from his balls to the tip of his cock before rounding over the top to slide him into my mouth. I stroked him back and forth with my lips a few times before grabbing on and pumping him with my hand. At this point I felt an incredible orgasm starting to creep up and before I could react, my legs went stiff and I started shaking. Paul kept fucking me hard, holding my hips and slamming me down onto his massive cock while sucking on my nipples. I realized I had two guys in complete. The woman looked at me strangely when I let her up.Several small stones rolled down the hill from above us, clattered past to our hiding place. The man below laughed. A large stone bounced down the hill and then several more, but the ridge above sheltered us if just barely. It also made it difficult to see what was going on.I rammed my charge again, returned my rod to its place and checked my priming."Too long a shot," the young woman said."Maybe not," I told her, "Fifty, sixty yards or so;. More and more frequently she caught herself daydreaming about him, imagining his body pressed to hers, his lips teasing her breasts, his cock drilling into her. Some days she spent hours lost in fantasies about him.She masturbated constantly, often unconsciously, rubbing her crotch against the backs of chairs and the corners of tables, caressing herself in the shower and revelling in the feel of warm water coursing down her belly and between her legs. Even in the car, she found a way of keeping.
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