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"Allambee jumped from his seat and stepped in front of Rayne, "You are reckless and a fool. How could you have gone to the source of the disturbance without first assessing what had caused it... ?" He yelled as he poked Rayne in his chest.Rayne looked down at the old Aborigine and shook his head. Eleric tried his best to not laugh at the site before him. Rayne at six foot six inches towered over the old shaman's five foot three inch frame. The sight of the sixty year old aborigine poking Rayne. ” Solace felt herself blush at this admission. She really should think about what she was going to say before she simply blurted it out. She stood there, uncharacteristically quiet, waiting to see what consequences her words would have—if any. Her body seemed to have a mind of its own and she had recently found herself fantasizing about Ms. L. D. Jansen. At these times, she would be torn between her feelings for Rosanna and the definite physical attraction she felt for L. D. She rationalized. She wipes her sweating forehead with the back of her hand and steals a glance at her watch, 2:36 a.m. She calculates that she's having contractions every two minutes. That's too fast, she thinks, as she pushes off the counter heading back into their bedroom. She holds under, supporting her belly, the pressure increasing as she walks into the room.Micheal stands at the edge of the bed and turns on the lamp on the nightstand, sending a soft glow through out the room. She looks at Jarod sleeping. It smelt like expensive perfume to him but better. He wished he could take the time to strip down, to rub the material on his body and remember what she had felt like straining under him when he had rammed himself into her body. The sounds she had made when he forced her body sideways, despite the bonds, and fucked her anally. Her cries had been a song of pain to his ears, her screams a balm to his soul. She had cursed him, making him even more amorous, more ready to make her his.She had bled.
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