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I had even seen her sunbathing on the roof in her bikini once. I knew she was a beautiful woman, but until now, I never realized how beautiful. Victoria Clarke was a thirty-one year old, five foot-four inch beauty with flaming red hair, green eyes, and the most smoking hot 32DD-25-35 body you ever laid eyes on! I stood there admiring the stunning vision in front of me. Victoria stood there waiting nervously for some reaction from me. It took me a couple minutes to absorb what I was being. He made me lie down on the bed .My legs spread automatically without any command. Why do I want him so badly.WhyI opened my legs to him revealing my pussy. He stroked his cock in front of me and in an instant. He shoved it within my vagina.I was salivating now. . I don’t know why but I was. My pussy was leaking juices ferociously while he was thrusting himself in and out.I.Am. Being. Fucked by a ghost.I thought to myself while enjoying the pleasure.“Ahhhhhh.Ahhhhhh ahhhhhh.Ahhhhhh” I was. Once on the trails we noticed a few people walking by mostly old men. My hot wife was wearing jean shorts with a tank top that exposed her large breasts. As we continued to go deeper into the woods it got darker. We pulled over down a few side trails and decided to stop for abit. I grabbed her ass then kissed her neck she did not resist. Next thing I know she is rubbing my crotch and I am holding her big tits in my hands. We looked around and there were nobody else around. She quatted down to. As she crossed the yard naked a pickup truck drove down the road and must have seen her as I heard brakes slam on, and all of a sudden I seen it back down the road. There were 2 guys in the truck as it came into view and they were hooting and hollering as they stopped in the roadway looking into the yard at my naked wife who was standing there waving at them. They hollered to her "Hey honey, you need some help keeping that body busy" and laughed."Thanks but no thanks, I got 2 guys that are.
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