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I hope to post more of my true adventures for yousoon.This is the third part of my true story, or I shouldsay "stories", I guess. At least they will all begrouped together. Thanks to everyone for their verypositive responses.Encounter with an older man, part 3by RileyMarch 2000 I read my email and sure enough, an email fromTrelane was waiting for me. My heart started to poundas I read it, then it was pounding even faster!Trelane told me that he had a friend, another top, whowas wanting. "And you added a special ingredient to the birthday cake," I laughed. "That'll make it real delicious," she smiled looking down on the counter, the pan ready to go in the oven was covered in her pussy cum, she grabbed a spoon and stirred it into the mixture, licking the spoon clean afterwards. "Yummy!" She straightened up herself, but not cleaning her own juices from her body, and placed the pan into the oven to bake. I helped her make the frosting, "Here, add a teaspoon of this, it'll. He continued pumping her, grabbing her throat from time to time pushing her face playfully with his hand. Eventually he pulled out and came on her face, with that he walked out of the room. Mandy lay there unable to move for a few minutes before she pulled the sheet back over her body and fell asleep.A couple of days later during the summer holidays her parents went away, leaving her at home all alone, her brother worked during the day. I rang on the doorbell. She answered and looking at me in. Though each of the half dozen lovers she had taken had been OK at the time, one had suffered from droop, four had had him bound, perhaps because they thought he might turn aggressive, three had smaller or the same size cocks as Barry and not one had satisfied her like that first time with Ken. After each tryst they had sat, as they would in their labs and discussed the results. He suggested it may be just simply size, so she decided to try a black lover, they by reputation having large.
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