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Alisha moved down behind Mausam and as Mausam was playing with my dick, she licked her sister’s pussy. Mausam moaned a little as she kept stroking my cock.I was hard and erect again but my dick was paining little. But still, I got up and moved behind Mausam while Alisha slid herself below Mausam. I rubbed my dick on Mausam’s wet pussy as Alisha sucked on her clit. Mausam screamed loudly. “just put it inside Sam..I cannot wait.. mmmmmmmm make me your slut”.I got really turned on by that and I. On the day of Halloween, I got to my friends house where she applied my make up, and adjusted my wig, and made me look good. It was hard for me sitting there getting make up applied... I was very turned on. I put on my skirt, tights, and a little pink top, and my heels. I looked in the mirror, and damn I looked good. I hardly recognized myself. We went to house party, and it was very weird wearing heels, but I did manage. There was a bunch of people there and I was a little surprised how many. It's big enough for me though. It has just enough room for a set of drawers, my computer desk and a bed. Me and my step-dad decided to build one into the room though so that I would have room to place all my books and things for college. I also have my TV inside of there but I don't have time to use it very often. Now I finished the toast that I had stole from downstairs and got back to relaxing. My family had decided that I should have today off to make sure that its nothing serious, you see. Mir wurde immer mehr klar, dass mein Freund sein Ziel erreichen würde, als nun Frank an der Reihe war, denn der bekam seine Jeans schon gar nicht mehr ohne zittrige Finger ausgezogen. Das Spiel mit dem Slip sollte sich nun wiederholen nur mit einigen Unterschieden.Zunächst einmal trug er nur ein paar Boxershorts, die ich eigentlich überhaupt nicht mag und ziemlich unerotisch finde. Also wurde ich wieder aufgefordert die Short runterzuziehen, allerdings was da zum Vorschein kam, verschlug dann.
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