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"I don't want him to get you!!" "Me!?? It's YOU he's after!!" "ME!!??" Alex shot his feet into the belly of the greatest creep he'd ever met, and threw all his muscles into casting him up. He still held on. But that was alright. For Alex ripped his hand free from that of the perv, and used it to help him the twist the guy around. WHAMPF!! He landed dead center on the guy's diaphram just as he hit the ground with his back. "Ooh?! I felt that through the armor," he said. "All shall know I earned. Anyway what are your plans tonight?’ Jack sipped on the single malt scotch as Ron replied, ‘You know when it rains it pours. I was supposed to hook up with Kari tonight but then my wife committed us to some party of some sought. I don’t even have time to have a drink with you first.’ ‘So do you want me to take care of Kari for you?’ ‘Go fuck yourself.’ They both laughed. Jack laughed and took another sip of scotch. ‘I’ll probably head over to PJ’s and see what’s going on.’ ‘Hey, I’m going to. " I touched each of them in reassurance. They turned and ran, heading for the other corridor and the stairs. I turned back to the agents. "I know where I saw Victoria last. If we're quick, we may get to her before she gets away. From my understanding there are several exits from this facility."They looked at each other. Marks gave Davis a stern look. He was against my going with them. Davis stood her ground. "He knows where she was last. He comes with us." Fine, but if he gets hurt, it's your. But also terrible, powerful and cunning. In the ease and comfort of your lives, you forget what came before. You forget that two years before Iosoan's reign of peace began, he rose up amid the clash of armies. He rose up to become the most terrible, most powerful and most cunning of all the rulers, and scattered the others in order to bring you your peace."And now, with storms past out of mind, a new storm is brewing on the horizon, and your great domes will not hold the tide.The storm is.
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