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He came back to the bed, and grabbing her hands, he cuffed them behind her back. Because he couldn’t resist, he stepped back to scrutinize his handiwork. Her ass was red, just as he wanted it. And as an added bonus, her pussy was dripping with her juice. Reaching forward, he rubbed his palm over her puss, and smiled when she arched back onto his hand. Just what he wanted. Finally his plans were coming into action.Before he got too carried away, he remembered the rope. Turning back to the. He got off her and she opened her mouth for a split second before darting off the bed and trying to escape but he was already right on her, wrapping his arms around her from behind and tossing her back on the bed as she giggled frantically. "You gonna behave?" "Yes, Papa," she said, grabbing the bars of the headboard with both hands. He grabbed the handcuffs off the dresser anyway and cuffed her wrists together against it. She opened her mouth and waited as her father unzipped his pants and. She moans, openly now. Cuck hears, frowns, checks left and right. I grab Pet’s head again, showing her that I want her to go back down on me. She obliges.Cuck’s working his hand in his pocket. Envy, jealousy and lust are there in his eyes, and I can’t resist.“She’s one fine cocksucker, your wife,” I call out.“Sssshhhhh!” he hisses, putting a finger up to his lips.I smile, pushing a little harder on Pet’s head, making sure she keeps my cock in her mouth. She’s back to moaning at the back of her. Then again came up sucking towards his tip without parting my lips from his penis skin making ‘paaat’ sound. Then again went down sucking and pulled up sucking. He was going mad. I drooled some saliva while sucking his thick brown crispy dick.After few minutes of pleasuring each other with all the licks and sucks we got untangled. I sat up on bed with my back against the wall behind the bed. He went towards the cupboard and brought the used lubricant tube and sat in front of me. Sensing his.
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