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The train was going at its full pace, and so were we. We once again lip locked, she was good, really good, she knew the art of kissing while I mastered it. Her soft lips with the strawberry flavored lip gloss made it even more tempting to chew them.The wetness and the slow bites made her close her eyes and we both were lost in pleasure. Slowly the passion increased more saliva mixed, our tongues met we frenched kissed, naughtily played with our tongues for some time and our eyes met. She. “It took you long enough. You must be exhausted. I know Bianca and I are.”“Damn, Sheena—you damn near scared the…. Well, you surprised me. Let me in there with you and Bianca.”“Okay, but be careful. We had trouble getting Maria to sleep and I know she’s exhausted.” Sheena moved down the bed and I slid quietly into the center. Sheena laid her head on my shoulder and pulled the blanket over us. I fell asleep immediately.Sometime during the nap either Bianca had awoken or she had moved. Society was on the move. It would be only a matter of time now before solutions would be found for most of the world’s problems, political, social, health, even sexual. The anti war movement in the states was a sign that people wouldn’t fight in unnecessary wars any more. Pressures would be increasingly brought to bear on nationalists and political extremists of many kinds to give up fighting and to talk. Make love not war, that slogan made a lot of sense. More and more people were coming to. "I have a few more things to do for the next couple of hours so I need to concentrate on that. Go ahead and talk to Sam if you want also, I'm sure she'd appreciate it."All decided to stay on the bridge and watch or talk to Sam. I ran systems checks, double checking any system that had gone through repair to make sure they were functioning correctly. If anything decided to go tits up, I hoped to catch it in system and not in jump. When I completed systems check, I left Sam in control and.
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