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When entering the gates, you could see a straight alley with stairs in the back that led to the floor downstairs. There was a dance floor with a pole and a cage surrounded with bars. We decided to see the more hidden places and found very interesting corners, some playrooms were more private, and others a bit less. I didn’t keep an eye on them in detail, but it seemed there was something for everyone.Bar & dance floorThere was also an interesting chair for a single lady with a surprise “stick”. The thing must have been rejected by hell for its trouble-making attitude that affected all except sweet Rosalind sprawled totally naked in the center of her blood red bed. Then, she insisted on a sort of ceremonial “taking it up the ass” interlude before any legally binding sexual intercourse transpired with breathless frenzy. Naturally, I didn’t object to any of that because I confess to a fetish for such things. However, I am firm in stating that my attraction was completely from a. Well, word spread pretty quickly amongst the top industry Professionals that “Tornado tongue” could make any girl Cum, by entering her Pussy with this Snake-Like, 9-inch, Anaconda Tongue, which performed better and more intimately than any Vibrating Toy on the Market.My God! The TRICKS he could do with his tongue, deep inside the recesses of your Pussy!! AND how deftly and expertly he could play tongue-twister with your Clitoris…So much so, that you’d swear he could tie your Clitoris in knots. The soap made my hands slippery as I stroked him slowly under the pounding water.Quietly I pushed his hand down between my legs. His fingers found my clit and he began to lightly circle my hot button. I bit back the moans that threatened to alert the others. I swallowed his breath and breathed out my pleasure into our hot kisses. I felt him enter me with two fingers and begin slowly fucking my pussy while I continued to stroke his cock.I was on the verge of coming when he pulled his fingers out.
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