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“Yes ... but ... this ... this interview is really going off on a tangent, don’t you think, Jen? We were here to get your thoughts on the whole Goth celebrity thing, right? How did it get sidetracked into my own personal kinks, anyway? Alright, you busted me. I’m a cuckold at heart, okay? I would love to be cuckolded by you, you know. Are you happy? Can we get back to work, pretty please?” Gavin showed desperate arousal in his face as he watched Jen play with her own succulent snatch.“So, a. “You look very pretty tonight.” He told her. Hell, compliments couldn’t hurt, and it wasn’t as if it he didn’t mean it. Pretty felt like an understatement. Tessa blushed again, and everything she had wanted to say seemed to be momentarily forgotten. She wasn’t used to compliments, and as silly as it was, Conner had managed to make her feel like a schoolgirl again as she attempted to speak. “So are you,” she got out, but suddenly rethought her words, “I mean, you’re not pretty… I mean you are,. Come on over...' and went back to sleep. Twenty minutes latter I heard pebbles hitting my window, half sleep and hung over, I stumbled to the window and looked out. There on the qua, was Jareal and another guy, I opened the window and tried to whisper '...what the hell are you doing...' Jareal answered '...this is my cousin Phillius, you said to come on over and here we are, come on and open the door...' In my foggy mind I knew that campus police would lock them up if caught at this hour. I replaced all the sheets and tossed the dirty ones in the washing machine for later, and after taking my turn in the shower and getting dressed I made my way to the kitchen still unable to believe what had just occurred. She was sitting at the dining room table eating a Belgian waffle, when she saw me she pushed a second plate across the table to my seat. “I can’t believe that just happened.” I said sitting down, still shocked. “What do you mean?” she asked around a mouthful of waffle..
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