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Know anybody like that?’ I set the wine glass down and pulled her right up against me tight. I had to force myself to ease off with my arms. I needed her so much that I might hurt her, squeezing too tight. ‘Oh Jan, it feels so good to have you here with me. I hope you don’t have to hurry away.’ ‘Not as long as you want me here with you. Ever. There’s nothing in the universe that’s more important to me than you, and your wants, and your needs. I knew you were up to your eyeballs in something. As it was, it was almost too big, and he would not be able to sit down for weeks afterward. Not that the bear cared. It was using all of it's weight, and powerful leg muscles to piston it's mammoth cock in-and-out of that rearward entrance with lengthy thrusts, it's leathery ball sack slid across George's, increasing the intense feelings of pleasure for both of them. George found himself shoving back, trying to keep the horse-cock in just one second longer, and enjoying the feeling of his balls. As his warm, liquid tongue moved farther down her belly, Tanya kept pushing up with her torso, raising her pelvis into the air, desperate for him to touch her down there. She moaned in frustration as he licked all around her clitoris, missing it with every sensual lick as she twisted back and forth, trying to introduce her clitoris to his warm, lapping tongue. Then, it finally happened!“Aaa – Ah!” Tanya cried out as Frank’s tongue landed squarely, right on her hard little clit! The sensation. That is exactly what happened. My uncontrolled self fell into our nicely tended home on the surface below, where one of my fellow primates helped me to my feet. I stood at around 2-feet tall. I couldn’t move. I felt at odds with the mind. I hoisted my claws up and down in an attempt to get myself out of this situation. It resulted in my other friends digging around for food to simply turn toward me, and when I wasn’t doing anything, turn away in mock dismay. Suddenly, I felt a wave of renewed.
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